Conference D

D4:ITC(Inter team cooperation) program for solution of inter team Conflict
Presenter: Hee jae yoo, CPF; Young Seok Lee, CPF
IAF Core Competencies: A, B, C, D, E, F
Number of participants: 8-20


Since the complexity of work and structural subdivision in organizations are increasing, every organization requires a high level of collaboration not only within teams but also between teams. However, when organizations are facing cooperation issues between teams, they usually leave the situation as it is because cooperation issues often seem to be too sensitive to surface. Even though they try to tackle the issues, teams of cooperation issues are usually focused on behavioral demand from other teams than giving help to them. ITC (Inter-team Cooperation) is an autonomic activity program designed to improve the cooperation between teams. It is designed by ToP (Technology of Participation) Facilitation methods. Starting with Cooperation Map diagnosis between teams, ITC uses diverse facilitative approaches in a structured process which help to achieve mutual understanding and cooperation as well as assist to set up action plans. All the participants of this session will have firsthand experience of ITC by performing the role-play as fictional team members under cooperation issues.


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IAF Taiwan Chapter Chairman: Eric Tseng
Conference CEO Jackie Chang
Program Team: Jorie Wu
Marketing Team: Connie Tsai
Administration Team: Tara Hsueh
IT Team: Vincent Chen
Service Team: Edward Cheng, Wei Lee


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