
P204 (Sept .1):SPACE - A Process Design Framework for Dialogic OD
Presenter: Kazuaki Katori; Tomohide Oshima
IAF Core Competencies: A, B, C, D, E, F
Number of participants: 6-36


In this volatile and complex business environment, traditional leadership and management practices no longer work effectively. New approaches to create vital and agile organizations are imperative. The answer to this challenge is SPACE, a process design framework for dialogic OD, which embraces the best of people and organizations. SPACE is based on a group of workshop metrics called the Whole Systems Approach including Appreciative Inquiry, Future Search, The World Cafe, and Open Space Technology. SPACE consists of the following five steps:
1. Setting context
2. Preparing to shift
3. Aspiring for ideal future
4. Crafting strategy
5. Enacting change
In this pre-conference session, the concept and process of SPACE will be presented and participants will learn how to design and facilitate each five steps of SPACE by experiencing the process hosted by presenters.


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IAF Taiwan Conference Organizing Team
IAF Taiwan Chapter Chairman: Eric Tseng
Conference CEO Jackie Chang
Program Team: Jorie Wu
Marketing Team: Connie Tsai
Administration Team: Tara Hsueh
IT Team: Vincent Chen
Service Team: Edward Cheng, Wei Lee


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