
P301 (Sept .2): The Art and Science of Presencing for Transformative Group Work
Presenter: Barbara MacKay, CPF; Jackie Chang, CPF
IAF Core Competencies: A, B, C, D, E, F
Number of participants: 8-30


The transformative role of the facilitator often happens through the art and science of presencing practices. Presencing is sensing what needs to happen in any given moment based on what is arising. Understand why and how all great facilitation approaches incorporate presencing moments. Experience tools and skills that allow you to be present, flexible and creative as a facilitator. Explore multi-cultural case studies and apply your new learning to intentionally plan for these transformative moments in your own complex situations. Gain confidence in identifying and capitalizing on the transformative moments that will allow the client and the group to have break-throughs.

This session will open your heart and mind to new ways of facilitating, and guide you to a deeper place in your practice. You will learn how to embody the essence of the facilitator, not just do the facilitator-type things, thus allowing your transformative role to truly shine.


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IAF Taiwan Conference Organizing Team
IAF Taiwan Chapter Chairman: Eric Tseng
Conference CEO Jackie Chang
Program Team: Jorie Wu
Marketing Team: Connie Tsai
Administration Team: Tara Hsueh
IT Team: Vincent Chen
Service Team: Edward Cheng, Wei Lee


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