
P303 (Sept .2):Facilitative Adaptive Leadership in the “New Normal”
Presenter: Noel Tan, CPF; Tom Schawrz, CPF
IAF Core Competencies: A, B, C, D, E, F
Number of participants: 16-20


The “New Normal” - an apt description for the increasingly networked, volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous times (VUCA) we live in. Can one work with groups in the same way as in the past, where disruption was the exception and not the norm, in order to stimulate the transformation that this age requires? How does one embrace and harness emergence and complexity to be effective as a catalyst for groups to function, rather than seek to minimise ambiguity and risk through increasing control? What new capacities, skills and qualities does one need in order to successfully assist leaders of organizations and communities through constantly shifting local and global contexts- to find the courage to change, the courage to lead? This workshop will challenge participants to confront these questions - invite them to undertake a paradigm shift about helping groups function creatively, productively and realise that shift must come from within.


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IAF Taiwan Conference Organizing Team
IAF Taiwan Chapter Chairman: Eric Tseng
Conference CEO Jackie Chang
Program Team: Jorie Wu
Marketing Team: Connie Tsai
Administration Team: Tara Hsueh
IT Team: Vincent Chen
Service Team: Edward Cheng, Wei Lee


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